Photo of the Day 28th March 2025.

Two men performing on a stage. On the left is a man with Close-cropped hair and beard, wearing a blue denim shirt over a black t-shirt, and playing a brown and white electric guitar, and singing into a microphone on a stand in front of him. On the right is a man with long-ish, brown, curly hair, wearing a brown leather jacket over an open, black denim shirt over a black t-shirt with a white logo, playing a brown acoustic guitar, while singing (nay, screaming!) into a mic on a stand. A black curtain hides the walls in the background, with a metal frame lining the corners of the black ceiling.
Ben Singleton (left) and Iain Morley (right), singers with Liverpool-based Americana band The Buffalo Riot, at a gig at Night And Day, Manchester, 5th August 2011. They tried warning me off going to this gig, thinking I would hate it, as everything I had experienced with these two over the years had involved metal bands (I’d known Ben for 10 years and at least 2 bands at this point, and had met Iain… somewhere… along the way, but certainly at least 5 years!), but I loved it!
Author: mad cam

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