Photo of the Day 16th March 2025.

2 musicians performing on a stage. On the left is a man with short brown hair and a beard that runs along his jawline, wearing a grey jumper and light coloured trousers. He is playing a bass guitar and singing into a microphone held on a stand in front of him. On the right is a man with spiky dark hair, wearing a light-coloured shirt and blue baggy jeans, and holding a red and black electric guitar. A tall, black amplifier is visible in the background on the left, with a drumkit visible ion the right. Black walls and a partial black ceiling fill the rest of the frame, with exposed beams right at the top.
Richie Nicholson (bass) and Ben Singleton (guitar/vocals) of Atonal performing at The SlaughterHouse, Liverpool, either 2002 or 2003.

Bonus Photo of the Day 16th March 2025.

A man with short dark hair, wearing a black t-shirt and dark coloured trousers, playing a grey keyboard that appears to be tinted red from the stage lights, and singing (or possibly shouting) into a microphone. A yellow and black stripe runs across the black background wall behind his head. A yellow light shines almost directly into the camera on the right of the frame.
The keyboard player from Jegar at The Roadhouse. Manchester, 15th March 2005.

Bonus Photo of the Day 16th March 2025.

3 members of a band on stage. On the left is a man with long blond hair and beard, wearing a yellow t-shirt and dark trousers, playing a black bass guitar and singing in to a microphone on a stand in front of him. In the middle is a man with long blond hair, wearing a black jumper and blue jeans, playing a brown electric guitar and singing in to a mic in front of him. On the right is a man with a brown beard, a black woolly hat, black jumper over a red t-shirt, and blue jeans, playing a brown and white electric guitar. He isn't singing, although there is a mic on a stand in front of him, but instead is looking down at his guitar. There are rows of amplifiers behind them, with posters on black walls.
Nick “Hendy” Henderson (bass, vocals), Nick Duckett (guitar, vocals), and Greg Macoy (guitar, vocals) of Milk on stage at Jabez Clegg, Manchester, 9th December 2004.
Author: mad cam

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