Photo of the Day 17th March 2025.

Long exposure close-up of the head of a main with wavy brown hair and a beard, wearing a black jacket over a black t-shirt, and holding a guitar pick in his mouth. This photo started off zoomed in close, and snap-zooms out during the exposure, leaving trails of blue and yellow coloured light, with the head frozen in place by an initial flash.
Iain Morley of the band The Buffalo Riot at Night And Day, Manchester, 5th August 2011.

Bonus Photo of the Day 17th March 2025.

A woman with shoulder-length brown hair and wearing a white top with black flower print, and blue jeans, singing into a microphone she is holding in her right hand, her head slightly tilted to her left, a blissful expression on her face. In the background, the neck of a guitar can be seen on the left of the frame, being held by another member of the band. White walls and a dark ceiling fill the rest of the frame.
Lennie Butler, lead singer of Sandbox, at a gig at Robinski’s, Manchester, 22nd February 2004.

Bonus Photo of the Day 2 17th March 2025.

3 members of a band performing on a stage, on the left is the drummer at the back of the stage, with short dark hair and a grey and black t-shirt. In the middle is a man with short dark hair, wearing a grey jumper and black trousers, leaning on a microphone stand as he sings into the mic. On the right is a man with short dark hair, wearing a grey t-shirt and dark trousers, playing an electric guitar, and singing into a microphone on a stand, behind a bank of keyboards. The neck of a bass guitar can be seen right on the left of the frame, with a hand holding it half way along. The room is lit by a group of red lights, with shadows reaching out in all directions.
3 members of the band Junk Culture – Greg Chapman (drums), Kev Dixon (vocals, guitar), and Rob Clougher (keyboards, guitar, vocals) on stage at Fudge, Liverpool, 26th November 2001.
Author: mad cam

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