Tag: LennieButler

A woman with red hair and wearing a khaki-green dress, holding a megaphone to her mouth in her right hand, and a microphone on a stand in her left, singing through the megaphone into the mic. In the background, a painting in an elaborate gold frame hangs on a green wall, with dark wood covering the join between the wall and the dark ceiling.

Photo of the Day 23rd March 2025.

Long exposure close-up of the head of a main with wavy brown hair and a beard, wearing a black jacket over a black t-shirt, and holding a guitar pick in his mouth. This photo started off zoomed in close, and snap-zooms out during the exposure, leaving trails of blue and yellow coloured light, with the head frozen in place by an initial flash.

Photo of the Day 17th March 2025.

2 members of a band performing on stage, a woman with short brown hair and wearing a white top with a black flower motif and dark jeans, holding a microphone that she is singing into, and a man with short, light brown hair and wearing a dark jacket and pale blue jeans, playing a brown acoustic guitar. Dark walls and ceiling fill the background, with a black amplifier on a stool in the middle of the frame.

Photo of the Day 10th March 2025.

A woman with shoulder-length brown hair and wearing a brown strapless top with a scarf tied around her neck. She is holding a microphone to her mouth with her right hand, which she is singing in to, with her eyes closed. There are several bangles on her right arm. The walls behind her are a mustard yellow, with red shadows being cast by stage lights.
OnThisDay, PhotoOfTheDay

Photo of the Day 2nd March 2025.